South park phone destroyer hack 2018

South park phone destroyer hack 2018

SPPD is a mobile game developed by Redlynx, a small studio that makes mobile apps under Ubisoft.

The developers made a rather poor choice in coding, as they decided to go client processing for the game data. As you can expect, it didn't take long for the game to become a cesspool of hackers and script kiddies.

Redlynx has shown no progress in dealing with this matter, instead preferring to roll out updates with cosmetic fluff. I feel that the people who financially backed this game are entitled to a fair and cheat free gaming experience within the confines of the game rules. For every obvious cheater, there are a dozen more silently cheating.

If you feel as I do, please take a moment to fill out a ticket to call for the demonetization of SPPD from Google Play and the itunes store. They may not listen to our voices, but it's hard to tune out the pocketbook.

For Android users, please fill out and fill in the information.

For Apple, bring up SPPD in the app store, then click report.